Green Dragon Kung Fu Association UK

Green Dragon Kung Fu Association news, classes and info.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

New Class Starting Wednesday

New class starting Wednesday evenings 8pm at Broughton Village Hall. Newbies are welcome to attend.


At March 31, 2008 at 5:34 PM , Blogger Admin said...

Hi Dave, I'm just a random surfer (although I have been to Kettering to fight against some guys from your Wu-Tang Thai Boxing). Anyway, as a kung fu fan I'm suring the next avoiding going to bed. One of the styles I was trying to find out more about is Dragon Kung Fu. You know what, there is jack shit in the way of quality information. I think you should exploit it (assuming you do a style of Dragon Kung Fu). Anyway, failing that I'm sure your passion for other Kung Fu styles (the infamous White Eyebrow) is a rarity, we need more people like you. Write about it!! Share the love - I'd read it!

Especially about your trips to China. Wow - how many people can say that?!

Take care - all the best -


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